Friday, May 21, 2010

Hey hey you guys


Ok i know that it has been like forever since I have gone here to tell you guys what has been going on.

So as many of you know I have been seeing this guy named Orlando. He is 17, and he really belongs on Glee. Like no kidding, that guys eat, breaths, and sleeps choir. Things with him have been really great. But all that really changed, and took a turn for the worst.

Lately he has been really been pushing me away, and to be honest i am starting to get scared. Sure we've known each other for like almost a month and a half, but the last week Ive started to actually have really strong feeling for him.

But i really do not know what is wrong with him, i really do have the feeling that he wants me to leave him him alone for good. Sure i call him and we hang out, but for some really weird reason he is starting to get all awkward. It would just be us to, I'd hold him and we'd cuddle for a while, then he would start to move around and just literally push me off him. And I would be like "Why you do that?" And like always he would stay silent. His behavior lately its really starting to piss me off, i really do know what game he is playing, hes not talking to me at all so that I can forget about him with time. "It never works, i know because I've played that game many times." So really, im not going to do this, i really do like him, but i do appreciate that he is letting me go gently.

In other news, i was at the library yesterday, and ran into this really cute guy. He was trying to get a book off of the top shelf. He figured that he would have to use a chair, i came over helped him get the book down. He thanked me, i looked at the book and it was "My Life", by Bill Clinton. I just looked at him and asked why this book? All he said was why not.
Then he asked me what book i was reading, i took out my Ipad and told him i was reading Janice Dickinsons book. Well as soon as i was finished he started asking me about the Ipad, and if its good and stuff. I was kinda yeah, its worth it. I let him fool around with it, and he kinda liked it.
We introduced our selves, and talked for like about an hour. (His name is Sergio by the way)

It was nice talking to him, he then asked me how old i was. "17 i said" And as always i get the same reaction. "What your 17, you look alot older than that" So i asked him, " How old did you thin i was?" He just said, "you look like your 21, i was guna ask you if you wanted to go out to a club or something?" Well at that instant i turned bright red, i mean red. THen i asked the god awful question, "how old are you?" He simply answered "im 24." To be honest people i really did think he was like like, 20, 21 at the most.

So we just talked for a little while longer, and yah.

I asked him if he would like to go to the movies on Sunday, and he said yeah., so i have a date on sunday lol.

Ohh and get this. When i first saw him I SWEAR TO GOD!!! i thought it was my old high school crush. ( If you don't know who that is, get with the program people.) I mean he looked an older version of him though. So that was a huge bonus for Sergio. Ohh, and he is way more buff, so thats another plus. Bottom line, Sergio is hot! but i mean HOT!

I know i know, shame on me, hes older. Yah i don't really care, i have a date, he's single im single. He's cute, im not that bad looking. And yah.

Little nervous though, wonder what hes guna do while were at the movies. lol

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