Friday, July 23, 2010




Idk, i know he is a pretty boy and stuff, but he is just so good looking. lol.

You know what, i would love to have the honor of at least seeing him in a game or something that would be like a dream come true, lol.

You know i bet there are thousands of women, and men lol who are just in love with him lol.
But idk, hez just so omg.

U knw once i had a dream were we went like shopping, and just spent a week in our company. It was AWSOME, and i kicked his butt in a one on one game lol.

You know i think it's awesome that he is a daddy. And i am sure that, that baby is beautiful! i mean just look at his dad lol.
Cristiano did the same thing what Ricky Martin did. He had a surrogate mother. You know i just have this feeling about him, like he's hiding something, but idk lol.

Wish you the best Cristiano <3 you lol hehehehe



Wow it has been a WHILE lol.

Hope that you people have doing good, and that life is treating you well.

So, let me give you a quick update of what has happened.
ALOT has happened lol, i broke many hearts, and my heart got ripped to shreds.
So, i really did expand my list of men.
Justin, Dave, Jonathan, Elvis, and Chris (he's the latest lol)

Well with Justin, it was nice, we started talking (again) lol and we started falling for each other again lol.
But then came this day were i was home alone, and things happened. He didn't talk to me for a week. I wld call him or txt him and he'd be like "talk to me later" every single time. And a week passed and he told me "you home alone again, i want to come over." I just ignored it, because i knew what he wanted.
A month passed sense we talked and i thought we could be friends. But the first thing he said to me was, "when are you home alone agan, i hope this weekend cuz, i havent done anything in a month, and i need to relave myself."
I really felt awful, i felt i had been used. The worst part was he took something from me that i will never be able to get it back. And that i was stupid enough to do it when it was absolutely meaningless.

Dave was a very very short thing lol. He'z alot older than me but he was nice. But he lives so far, (all da way in hollister) and i see him as not ready to be gay. he'z come out to a few people, and he always talks to me as if im a super fem. Nd it really does annoy me.

Elvis was a huge shock to me. After being hurt so much, he was so nice to me. And i really did start to fall for him, and he fell for me to. It was one of the best week's ive had. And one day he tells me, "Frank ive been playing you, and i don't care for you at all." I was like what??? I tink that the only reason he did this was because he is an avid drug abuser. And i guess he didnt want me to get envolved with it or something.

Jonathan was a very short thing. We talked for a very short tome. It was ehh. I have like no emotion lol.

Chris is really a great thing. I'm just liking so much how he talks to me. Its just wonderful. I hope that things go great between us.

Let's see were things go lol.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

OMG, idk lol hahahaha


Ok so, here i am, feeling very very random. For some reason i don't know what to write about today, so i guess ill tell u guys whts up.

So last weekend, my life felt like it was over. Parents got into a really big and ugly fight. And i got super close to running away. But then i membered that i had to take care of my sisters otherwise what kind of a brother would i b if i just left them to fend for themselves. They spent a whole day of being pissed with each other, and they didn't talk to each other at all, later in the day my dad went up to mom, they talked and i guess he apologized to her or something because things got like a hundred times better.

The next day we were going to go see my aunt, shes 93 years old, and when she called my dad she said that she believes that she doesn't have much time left. So we went to go see her and, and omg the smile that she got when she saw us. That morning before we left my dad and i had a little talk. And he asked me to forgive him for the position that i got placed in when my parents started to fight.

That day i was supposed to hang out with Sergio, member hes the guy that i met at the library, the one who's 24, u knw. u member him right people? Well i told him the day before that i couldn't go, and i could tell that he got a little bummed out. but i dont really care. So yesterday i message him to tell him lets reschedule, and hes all making excuses right and left, and im like, um no. So now im like, check please, need to move on to the next guy in my list. lol

And here i am now, single and having fun. OHHH and talking about having fun, ive been reading this new book by the lovely Janice Dickinson called Check Please the art of Dating, Mating, and Extracting. its an awsome book. I picked up a couple of things from it, so i really do recommend that u guys pick up ur copy.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hey hey you guys


Ok i know that it has been like forever since I have gone here to tell you guys what has been going on.

So as many of you know I have been seeing this guy named Orlando. He is 17, and he really belongs on Glee. Like no kidding, that guys eat, breaths, and sleeps choir. Things with him have been really great. But all that really changed, and took a turn for the worst.

Lately he has been really been pushing me away, and to be honest i am starting to get scared. Sure we've known each other for like almost a month and a half, but the last week Ive started to actually have really strong feeling for him.

But i really do not know what is wrong with him, i really do have the feeling that he wants me to leave him him alone for good. Sure i call him and we hang out, but for some really weird reason he is starting to get all awkward. It would just be us to, I'd hold him and we'd cuddle for a while, then he would start to move around and just literally push me off him. And I would be like "Why you do that?" And like always he would stay silent. His behavior lately its really starting to piss me off, i really do know what game he is playing, hes not talking to me at all so that I can forget about him with time. "It never works, i know because I've played that game many times." So really, im not going to do this, i really do like him, but i do appreciate that he is letting me go gently.

In other news, i was at the library yesterday, and ran into this really cute guy. He was trying to get a book off of the top shelf. He figured that he would have to use a chair, i came over helped him get the book down. He thanked me, i looked at the book and it was "My Life", by Bill Clinton. I just looked at him and asked why this book? All he said was why not.
Then he asked me what book i was reading, i took out my Ipad and told him i was reading Janice Dickinsons book. Well as soon as i was finished he started asking me about the Ipad, and if its good and stuff. I was kinda yeah, its worth it. I let him fool around with it, and he kinda liked it.
We introduced our selves, and talked for like about an hour. (His name is Sergio by the way)

It was nice talking to him, he then asked me how old i was. "17 i said" And as always i get the same reaction. "What your 17, you look alot older than that" So i asked him, " How old did you thin i was?" He just said, "you look like your 21, i was guna ask you if you wanted to go out to a club or something?" Well at that instant i turned bright red, i mean red. THen i asked the god awful question, "how old are you?" He simply answered "im 24." To be honest people i really did think he was like like, 20, 21 at the most.

So we just talked for a little while longer, and yah.

I asked him if he would like to go to the movies on Sunday, and he said yeah., so i have a date on sunday lol.

Ohh and get this. When i first saw him I SWEAR TO GOD!!! i thought it was my old high school crush. ( If you don't know who that is, get with the program people.) I mean he looked an older version of him though. So that was a huge bonus for Sergio. Ohh, and he is way more buff, so thats another plus. Bottom line, Sergio is hot! but i mean HOT!

I know i know, shame on me, hes older. Yah i don't really care, i have a date, he's single im single. He's cute, im not that bad looking. And yah.

Little nervous though, wonder what hes guna do while were at the movies. lol

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wow, am i actually happy?


Hey people I know that it has been forever sense i have been posted something new here, but nothing has happened. But incase you missed out, let me give you an update.

I finally severed the ties with Marcel. Im really happy because i did have strong feelings for him but I could never say that i could see myself with him. And i have a super strong feeling that i am the one he is never going to get over, because i never gave him that chance, so hes guna spend the rest of his life wondering, "what if?"

Anyway i won the student of the month award at my school, and that was back like last week, last Friday of April i was awarded it. It was one of the better times of my life. I also won an other award from the old folks home were i did my hours, and they gave me one for volunteer of the year. so yay me lol.

Aside from the awards lol, i met someone his name is Orlando, hes mexican a tad shorter than me, and is the cutest guy in the world. Of all the guys that i have talked to/gone out with i have never felt happy, i always was like, ok when is this gunna be over.

Last night i met Orlando, and we had what i would say a nice moment. We were under the stars, we cuddled and made out. it was one of the best and happiest moments of my life. But i do not know about him, one thing that i hate is that he is bi. And i do not want to get hurt you know. Im worried, and i hate this. He works late, and i would only be able to see him on weekends and he says that i have competition. To be honest, im scared, and do not know what to do.

What do you guys think?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Daughter!!!


Her name is Diana Rose and she is the best girl in the entire world!!!!!!!!
She is nine months old, full of life and so energetic. OHH one more thing, but guess wht, one thing you guys were not expecting of me she is my beloved daughter!!!!

Ok, well not she is my niece but I love her like a daughter. I just lover her you know, and I just feel like this big huge like happy feeling when i see her. Im guna be honest, my niece is one of the few people in this world that can make me genuinely smile every time i see her.

I went to go see her this weekend, and it was like the best thing ever. The first thing she did when she saw me was smile big. This little girl is a big smiler. She is just a little bundle of joy, and just wonderful.

I hope that when she gets bigger she is still that same happy person that she is now.
She is little but i all ready told her, that no matter what i am always there for her.
Love you my daughter.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Talk about awkward !!!!


Ok, talk about awkward. Ok, so apparently there is this guy at school. And hes a freshman, and i was just like being stupid, and asked him. Would u to prom with me? ( Of course i was kidding, cuz who in there right mind would ask him to any dance in that fact.

What ever so i asked him, and I started laughing, and i went back to my conversation with Jessica. When all of sudden, he tells me, yah i'd go to your prom with you.

And i was like. WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? I was all like dude i am just kidding, and he was all like, well im not. Then he goes on and tells me that he likes, me and he thinks im cute.

Mind you this was like the first time, that we have like EVER talked. like ever. And im like, ok who are, your weird.

Then he goes on to ask me for my number. So i did, but it was the number, for the rejection hotline. I got the number from ma friend Claudia, (another freshman, hella cool girl btw.) And yah, i could just imagine his face, when he heard the recording. I bet it must have been hilarious.

So, yah, now hez like hovering around me, randomly facebooking me, so im like. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO go away. I feel awkward, and totally weirded out. And just a little like, BLAHHH to be honest.